It is already spring and it is late to shoot the winter objects so why was my scope pointing at Orion? Well, I thought that by shooting the relatively bright reflection nebula M78, my chance of success of getting at least one object that night was higher. Caliraya was not anymore conducive for astro imaging like before. The site was filled with cottages and of course, people. I missed the time back then when it was really dark, quiet, with only couple of carabaos silently grazing across the field. But last Saturday was a treat! We got an almost cloudless night sky. I never expected that it will be that clear. So, I was back in setting up my gears, fumbling with the camera and adapters, and messing up the polar alignment! M78 was not my intended target that night but the Running Chicken nebulae in Centaurus. Since it was not yet up in early evening, i opted for the setting M78 in the west. Time was my not on my side as i felt that the nebulae was speeding up towards the western horizon faster that usual. It was time to quit M78 when light pollution engulfed Orion near the western horizon. I looked at he southern horizon and glanced at the battery indicator. Yup, there's still plenty of battery juice for the Running Chicken which was about to rise.
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