May 21, 2012 - Eclipse Day. It was a partial annular eclipse for us in the Philippines and the already eclipsed sun rose in the eastern sky. I prepared my DSLR and coupled the 70 - 300 mm lens, climbed up on the roofdeck and waited for the sun. Anxious that I might have missed the sun behind the tall houses blocking the eastern side, I went to the farthest side of the deck and hoped that it will rise through the narrow gap between the structures. Clock struck 5:30 am, time for sunrise, but no sun could be viewed from where I was. Oh-oh, I missed it. But hey, I saw a familiar orange radiant gleaming behind the clouds. And yes, there it was-the yellow-reddish sun rising behind dark clouds. I was ecstatic to see that it rose between the two tall coconut trees producing a very nice frame for an unusual crescent sunrise. I clicked away with varying exposures and chose the most pleasant one. Yes.......got it!
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