All these rainy days and nights drove me to pessimism on the weather on eclipse day. No good set-up was done. In my mind I would sleep through it or I would get up by 2 am when the Moon entered umbra to assess the sky and fire a few shots. Alarm sounded at 2 a.m. pulled myself out of bed and looked up to the sky. Wow! It was clear. Almost tripped at the stairs, I hurriedly took my camera, put on the 300mm lens and opened our porch door towards the southwestern sky. I took shots every 10 minutes until my camera auto-focus cannot pin the eclipsed faint moon. Feeling sorry for not setting-up my scope, I abandoned shooting more of the lovely eclipsed moon and just settled for visual observation with naked eyes. Anyway, here is the result of that early morning rise from cozy bed.
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