I have always been wondering if I could lower the weight of my set-up since the

GPD2 mount is already in its maximum load capacity. It has been carrying

the Megrez 90, the Zenithstar 80ED, guidecam and the DSLR plus the mounting plate and rings. A friend even commented that the Zenithstar 80ED is an overkill for a guidescope as it could be a respectable imaging scope. So, with all these overcast skies and rains, my hands were itching to do something that can relieve the heavy guidescope. After a quick inventory of my astro toys, I noticed that I have a William Optics 7X50 finderscope that was seldom used. My challenge was to adapt the QHY5 guider to the tube. Dismantling the finder, I found out that it had an M42T thread so all I need to look for is a M42T to 1.25 inch adapter. Fortunately, I had a Vixen flip mirror which have two M42T to 1.25 inch adapters. I quickly set up the finder with the QHY5 camera, focused a distant building and measured the required distance of the adapter. Without any hesitation, I got a hacksaw blade, wore my gloves and goggles and started cutting the adapter tube to the desired length. I used a fine file to grind the rough edges and finished it with a sandpaper. The finished adapter mated smoothly with the finderscope half. I inserted the QHY5, and tested the whole assembly. To my pleasant surprise, the finderscope focused perfectly to the distant building. Now, I will just have to wait for a clear night to test it on a star and see if it is worthy to be renamed "guidescope"!
Hi Tani,
I was wondering if you tried your guidescope in the end. I have a Megrez 90 on my GPD2 and have a DMK21 lying around. I might buy a ccd and was wondering if your setup was good enough for guiding wide-field imaging. Did you try it?
Hi Thibault!
Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I did try the guidescope. Ever since I made it, its has been working satisfactorily. I never had any problems locating and choosing a guidestar. Not sure how big is the chip on the DMK but the guidescope works great with the QHY5. The Megrez 90 by the way is a very good scope for widefield imaging. I'm using a Borg flattener. How do you intend to guide the GPD2? I modified the DD-1 controller to accept guiding commands. Feel free to ask if you have some questions.
Hi Tani, I never saw your reply until now, sorry!
I am looking for a 7x50 WO finder as of now, pretty tough to find.. Just missed one 2 days ago on UKastrobuy&sell, they look superb to go with the megrez and the clean look..
I am driving the GPD2 with a Boxdoerfer MTS-3SDI via serial lx200 control, I can route PHD guide commands through Equinox Pro to which the controler is connected, but I need to build a special ST-4 cable if I want to use straight ST-4 commands.. so I will first see if the lx200 pulse commands are fine in case I will bypass the st-4 setup, easier!
I think the chip on the dmk is the same size as the qhy5, but I am on mac and qhy is not supported so.. :) But I didn't really started astrophotography (deepsky, I'm on planetary imaging for now), so I'm slowly building a good setup, I like the easy straightforward use of the finderscope as a guide, need to find that WO 7x50!
Thanks for the tips! cheers,
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