It's weekend again! After a tiring work week it's time to unwind and relax. And what a better way to amuse myself than to do image processing. I have a set of color subs of the Horse head / Flame Nebula taken way back January 2009 in Caliraya, Laguna. It's 14 subs at 3 minutes each taken during one of our sessions there. That time I used my stock Canon 400D. Then, after a year I got hold of a H-alpha filter and made first light with it capturing the same object from our home. I accumulated 15 H-alpha subs of 4 minutes each using a modified Canon 350d. After getting some experience from doing composites of the Rosette and Crescent Nebula, I tried again combining the color and H-alpha subs. I was not expecting a stunner due to meager number of subs but still hoped for an improvement over my previous Horse head image. I first combined the red channel of the full color shot with the H-alpha then re-combined it again with the color image. I guessed that was called an HaR-RGB composite image. The H-alpha regions stood out while the natural star colors were maintained although some color noise were evident. Not bad, I supposed. Looking at the previous color image, the composite HaRGB image now seemed a lot better. What a really perfect way to spend the weekend!