The inavailability of the SLA Camp in Buso for the month of April got me stucked at home during weekends. This meant that I had to contend myself in doing H-alpha narrowband imaging. The galaxy season was coming to close and the rising Scorpious, Sagittarious and Cygnus were prime targets for H-alpha. I wanted to shoot some good targets in Scorpious but these were inaccessible from my place. So, I had no other choice but to look for worthy targets in the northern part of the sky. Looking at The Sky planetarium program, I chose the Witch's Broom or NGC6960. I reckoned that it was best to image it at around 3 am when it was considerably high in sky from my place. So i set-up my gears the night before, went to sleep then woke up to the alarm of my clock at 2 in the morning. Here I made 27 frames of 4 minutes each. I have yet to add some color data to this monochrome image when we are able to get back to a dark sky.
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