I have been waiting for Scorpious to rise in the pre-dawn sky last Sunday. I went to Buso together with a small group of avid amateur astronomers hoping for a clear sky. We were treated to a rather cloudy sky as the night fell but slowly clearing up as night progressed. Too late for the Seagull Nebula which I desired to shoot that night, as I watched the eastern side of Orion being eaten by thick clouds and as it slowly descended to the clutches of western skyglow. I looked up and Leo was the only part of the sky that was a clear. So as I wait for my primary target to rise, I used the intervening time to shoot some galaxies there. But I was not satisfied. My goal was to capture that colorful region of the sky called the Rho Opiuchi Nebula. And as I glimpsed the rising Scorpious, my eyes were transfixed at the supergiant Antares, hoping my gaze will somehow clear the haze and clouds. My gears were all set-I mounted the camera lens which I would like to test and oriented the mount towards that star. Then, by stroke of luck, the region cleared up. I promptly shot some frames until dawn. I was able to get 35 subs of 3 minutes each.
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