Somehow, I feel I'm running out of targets for my H-alpha filter. The galaxy season is starting and a clear and moonless sky is what I need for these small and faint objects. At 8pm, Monoceros is almost overhead and I guess its not yet too late for the Cone nebula. Last Friday, I set up my gears at home and started targeting the Cone area. It took me almost an hour to find the cluster area by comparing the eyepiece view with the The Sky planetarium display. I made series of focusing shots then finally at around 8:30 pm I was ready to shoot. I made 30 frames of 4 minutes each until my scope was about to hit the tripod legs. I sleepily dismantled my gears and hurriedly went to sleep. It was not until Sunday afternoon that I started processing the images. I was happy and disappointed at same time. Happy in a way that I captured the Hubble's Variable Nebula in the same field but disappointed that the stars are irregularly shaped. Hmm, need some time for troubleshooting.
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