It's been a while since I last posted. Last Saturday, we went to the Spring of Life campsite to try observing and imaging the heavens. Coming from a children birthday party, I proceeded directly to Irving's place to pick him up with his telescope. We arrived at the site at around 5:30 p.m. Brian and his friend were already there. I quickly set up my scope and tried drift alignment while the moon was still up. First target was the Horsehead & Flame Nebulae. I used 3 min X 14 for the exposures. Finally, I was able to test my autoguiding set-up. It worked very well and I was very satisfied with the performance. When I was about to turn-off the Guidedog, the computer suddenly crashed. Oh boy, was I afraid that I might never recovered the files. It took me a long time to seached the files but found it later on. After that, I point my scope towards M51 Whirlpool Galaxy. However, I found difficulty finding a suitable guidestar. Then the clouds covered the northers sky until we decided to pack-up and head home. It was a good and fulfilling night!
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